
WELCOME to the Stroud Valleys Dipper Project.
The five Stroud Valleys hold an important and unusual population of the European Dipper (Cinclus cinclus). The species is AMBER listed (Birds of Conservation Concern) due to a 39% decline in the UK since 1995. Dippers are highly sensitive to changes in water acidity and pollution, and are therefore an important bio monitoring species for freshwater habitats.

Stroud Valleys Dipper Project

The Stroud Valleys Dipper Project has been established to achieve 5 core conservation goals:

-To coordinate a full volunteer-led survey of the Stroud Valleys to map and count the Dipper population in the breeding season of 2025(including a river habitat survey).

-To provide an online map where people can send in their sightings of Dippers throughout the year (adults, young birds, nest sites, roost sites, etc).

-To establish a colour-ring population to allow sightings of individuals.

-To undertake a survey of winter roost sites in 2024/25.

-To use the information collected by the above activities to:

(i) establish a baseline against which future change can be monitored;

(ii) undertakedata analysis to understand the factors affecting Dipper distribution and abundance in the five valleys of Stroud.


If you are a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC and want to add a new DIPPER SIGHTING, please go to the REPORT SIGHTINGS page and follow the mapping instructions.

If you wish to become an OFFICIAL DIPPER SURVEYOR for the 2025 pilot project, please contact Dr Mark O’Connell (moconnell@glos.ac.uk). You will be sent details of how to take part, and be able to choose a 500m length of the River Frome (or other connecting Five Valleys rivers) that you wish to survey. 

PLEASE NOTE: Surveyors will be expected to conduct a survey in your 500m stretch of river, at least once in the months of March, April, May, June and July.


For further information and all Dipper-related enquiries, please contact:

Dr Mark O’Connell 

Email ID : moconnell@glos.ac.uk